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Ear mites are one of the most common causes of ear problems in dogs. They are highly contagious and can affect dogs of any age, breed, or lifestyle. Ear mites can make your dog miserable and lead to complications such as hearing loss, skin damage, and bacterial infections. Fortunately, ear mites are easy to diagnose and treat with the help of your veterinarian. In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about ear mites in dogs, including:

  • How to recognize the signs and symptoms of ear mite infestation
  • How to confirm the diagnosis with a vet exam and tests
  • How to treat ear mites with medication and ear cleaning
  • How to prevent ear mites from spreading to other pets or recurring
  • How to answer some frequently asked questions about ear mites

How to get rid of ear mites in dogs

The first step to getting rid of ear mites in dogs is to visit your veterinarian. Your vet will examine your dog’s ears and take a sample of the ear discharge to look for mites under a microscope. 

Your vet will also check for any secondary infections or damage to the eardrum that may require additional treatment. Your vet will prescribe a medication that kills the mites and relieves the inflammation and itching. 

This may be in the form of drops, ointment, or injections. You will need to apply the medication as directed by your vet for several weeks until all the mites are eliminated. You will also need to clean your dog’s ears regularly with a gentle solution that removes the debris and wax that the mites feed on. 

Your vet will show you how to do this safely and effectively. You should avoid using cotton swabs or harsh cleaners that may irritate or damage your dog’s ears.


Can I get ear mites from my dog? No, ear mites are species-specific and do not infect humans. However, they can spread easily among dogs, cats, and other animals that share the same environment.

How can I prevent ear mites from coming back? The best way to prevent ear mite recurrence is to treat all your pets at the same time, even if they do not show symptoms. You should also wash your dog’s bedding, toys, and grooming tools regularly and keep them away from other animals that may be infected.

Are ear mites dangerous for my dog? Ear mites are not life-threatening, but they can cause a lot of discomfort and distress for your dog. If left untreated, they can lead to chronic ear infections, hearing loss, skin problems, and behavioral issues.


Ear mites are a common and treatable condition that affects many dogs. By recognizing the signs, seeking veterinary care, and following the treatment plan, you can get rid of ear mites in dogs and keep them healthy and happy.